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American Bricks

American Bricks was a constructional system with similarities to Lego in that the studs are laid out in a 4 x 2 pattern on the standard size brick. Originally the bricks were made out of wood, but during the 1960s they changed to plastic. However the basics of the brick design remained virtually unchanged. It was made from the 1940s by Halsam Products Company Incorporated, 4114-24 Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago, USA. In (probably) the late 1960s the manufacturer changed to Elgo Plastics, Inc., 1809 Warner Avenue, Chicago 13, USA. Finally in (probably) the early 1970s, the product was taken over by Playskool and renamed Playskool Building Bricks

Manufacturer / Distributor

Halsam Products Company Incorporated, 4114-24 Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago, USA.
Late 1960s - Elgo Plastics, Inc., 1809 Warner Avenue, Chicago 13, USA

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of an American Wooden Bricks set.
(Added 07/05/2022)

Photos of American Wooden Bricks windows and bricks.
(Added 07/05/2022)

Photos of an American Plastic Bricks set made by Halsam.
(Added 07/05/2022)

Photos of an American Plastic Bricks set (without box) made by Elgo.
(Added 07/05/2022)